17 Mar

One of the most basic, fundamental human rights that every person should have is shelter. Homes help shield us from the searing heat of the sun, protect us from bad weather, is a private space away from prying eyes, and much more. Most of these benefits are only possible because of the presence of one part of our home: the roof. Without a proper roof, we are not only exposed to the elements, our house could scarcely be called a house at all.

What are roofs?
The roof, simply defined, is a structure that acts as a covering on buildings, houses, and other structures. It consists of the materials used to build the covering as well as the structure used to support it. It’s a simple concept, but one that’s almost universally present in human structures. That’s how prevalent shading is!

If you’re looking for a roof contractor in Singapore, then you must be in need of repairs, maintenance, or installation of roofs. Looking for great materials to build your roof with? Why not consider aluminium?

Aluminium panels: one of the best roofing materials
Aluminium composite panels, or ACPs, are a type of sandwich panel that consists of two aluminium sheets “sandwiching” a non-aluminium core. ACPs are widely used in construction projects-- as signages, partitions, ceilings, and yes, roofs! There are many reasons why one would choose to use this material. Let’s have a rundown of the most important ones:

  1. Cost-effective. It’s one of the most affordable yet durable materials.
  2. Lightweight yet sturdy. Perfect for strengthening your roofs.
  3. Flexible and easily formed. This material can be moulded into shapes for a variety of purposes.

Ready to get the best quality roofing for your homes and spaces? Shadetimes is the right professional to contact. We are a roofing contractor in Singapore ready to provide you with the best roof and shade options, from panelling to awnings and more.


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