14 Jan

Once again, the new year unfolds. It is the best time to start a new beginning, but is your house ready? Besides cleaning inside, have you thought about cleaning its exterior? Perhaps, that awning hanging at your patio in Singapore? In any case, you should know how to clean and care for it. That way, it would maintain its top shape for a long time. Well, to give you a hand, here are some ways on how you should do it. 

  1. Brush off loose debris.

You have to, especially before cleaning its fabric. So, first, use a brush with a soft bristle and remove any loose debris on it. Start from the top to the bottom. Doing this could prevent dirt from building up. 

  1. Trim all the surrounding shrubs.

If your awning at home in Singapore has shrubs around it, trim all of it. Make sure it would not touch its fabric. You see, those plants have an acid that can damage your awning. 

  1. Check for signs of holes or tears.

After that, examine your awning. That way, if there are holes or tears on it, you can quickly repair it.

  1. Hose down the entire awning.

Once done, use the water hose to clean off the dirt that does not come off when you brushed it earlier. It would help to get rid of those stubborn stains. 

  1. Wash it with soapy water.

To keep it fresh and clean, you should wash it with soapy water. You can use either a brush or a cloth to do it. Once done, allow the cleaning agent to soak in. Wait for at least five minutes. 

  1. Thoroughly rinse until there is no soap residue left. 

Once the time is up, use a water hose to rinse off the soapy water. Do it thoroughly until all residue is nowhere in sight. You see, not rinsing off well can cause your awning to develop discolouration.

  1. Lubricate its fasteners.

After rinsing off, let it dry well, especially if you have a retractable awning in Singapore. That way, it would not develop any rust later on. While you are waiting, make sure to lubricate its fastener so you can retract it quickly. 

By following these ways, your awning in Singapore is always in top shape. If you want to learn more tips, visit Shadetimes! They can also teach you how you should take care of your aluminium composite panel in Singapore!


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