03 Apr

My home has a backyard with a lot of space. The moment I stepped outside to catch some fresh air, I realised that my outdoor area could use a makeover. After thinking long and hard about it, I chose to have the backyard decorated with advanced wood decking materials from a Singapore supplier.

Needless to say, I checked online for other options, including plastic composite decking, a popular choice in Singapore. Eventually, I chose wooden floors with an embossed engraving for that authentic feel of wood. It looks organic as well, adding to its natural appeal.

At first, I was a bit hesitant to invest in wooden floors since they’re a bit expensive. Checking the prices online only discouraged me further to buy new floorings. But after diving deeper into the materials used in manufacturing these wooden floors, I became more interested in redesigning my backyard.

The vision I had in mind consisted of a table umbrella with accompanying tables and seats. The more I thought about designing a patio, the more I grew interested in such. For that reason, I went online to search for reliable engineered wood flooring distributors in Singapore.

After a few minutes of research, I stumbled upon a flooring company that has what I need to build my dream patio. They offered wooden materials for both indoor floors and outdoor deckings. The variety of patterns and textures was quite astonishing, encouraging me to choose between several options. Nevertheless, I choose an embossed decking with durable and long-lasting qualities.

Upon further inspection up close, the material looked promising. It has that genuine feel for wood, and using it for my patio would benefit the cosy atmosphere.  Everything looked like it was going according to plan. Without haste, I decided that decking the patio floors with wood was next on my list of things to do the following week.

The professionals came to my house and we discussed the details of the installation. They surveyed the area, checked the soil for any possible dilemmas, and went straight down to business. However, it did take quite a while before they finally completed the installation. It took around a week to finish the whole project.

The entire thing was worth it, though. After witnessing my newly built patio, I immediately smiled and thanked myself for taking such an opportunity to make this happen. The patio looked glorious, especially with the big umbrella standing in the centre of the table. Plus, the wood looked stylish too, making itself a view at first sight.


My favourite part about the wood decking is its natural appeal. The aesthetic value of the floors is a stylish addition to my backyard. With a patio, I can finally sit down, relax, and drink a cup of coffee while enjoying the view. Thanks to the newly installed wood floors, the backyard is now a fun place to stay in.


Installing the patio decking with wood floors is not only a stylish decision but a practical one. At first, I thought these floors weren’t as durable as I expected. But when I dropped a heavy load of bottles on the patio decking, there was little to no damage in sight. Of course, after a few months of use, you could see a few scratch marks due to the chairs’ pegs. But even then, these marks and dents are almost unnoticeable unless you’re aware.


Some people might think that cleaning the wood floors is hard. But for me, it’s easy as long as you know how to do it. Instead of using a wet mop, I use a broom to eliminate particles of dust and dirt. I wiped off any remaining residue with a damp cloth. I know that most of the material is water-resistant, but I just wanted to be sure that I won’t ruin the floors.


You might think that investing in wooden floors is a waste of money since they’re too expensive. But if you look at the durability, cleanliness, patterns, texture, and longevity, you’re getting your money’s worth. I knew that the moment I saw my new patio, I was happy with my decision. I’ve been stepping on these floors for almost more than a year, and I feel more than glad that I made such an investment.

Installing the patio decking with wood floors is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I highly recommend you do the same if you’re thinking of redesigning your backyard.

If you’re interested in wood or luxury vinyl flooring materials in Singapore, you can visit Moods. They have a wide range of flooring and decking options that you might want to check out.

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