04 Nov

For centuries, people have been using wooden flooring due to its affordability, availability, and long-term display of timeless elegance. However, to make sure your wooden floors continue to appear in pristine condition, you must know how to maintain its quality.

Thankfully, with engineered wood flooring becoming popular in Singapore, it's easier to maintain your wooden floors. How should you clean your hardwood flooring, anyway?

1. Clean spills immediately

Even if your flooring is water-resistant, you should immediately wipe away stains after a spill. If you leave a spill on the floor for too long, the liquid might soak into the wood, causing irreparable damage.

2. Remove your shoes before stepping on the floor

Did you know that your shoes are one of the dirtiest items in the household? For this reason, you should take off your shoes before stepping on your hardwood flooring since they can transfer at least 90% of bacteria obtained from the outdoors.

3. Use proper cleaning agents

Despite what commercials tell you, some chemical-based cleaning agents aren't as efficient as you think. Instead, use homemade solutions such as water mixed with vinegar to get rid of stains more efficiently without causing long-term damage.

4. Clean regularly

Even if there isn't any dirt on your floors, it's wise to clean them regularly. This way, you'll preserve the natural condition of your wooden flooring to last longer than expected.

5. Never use abrasive products

Abrasive products such as wet mops and furniture polish can damage your wooden flooring. Avoid using these, and instead, use a vacuum and soft bristle brush to eliminate germs efficiently.

If you're going to install hardwood flooring for your home in Singapore, take note of these tips to preserve its longevity and appearance.

For quality luxury vinyl flooring in Singapore, visit Moods for more information regarding wooden floors.

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