22 Apr

Whether you already own or plan to buy decking for your balcony in Singapore, you must know how to take good care of it. Knowing what to do and avoid helps the outdoor decking to last for a long time. 

Here are the pointers you need to remember. 


  • Clean it thoroughly once a year.

Similar to skin, outdoor decking needs a good exfoliation to keep it clean inside out. Therefore, consider doing an annual deep cleaning so there will be no mildew and mould that might lurk. 

  • Cover the nearby plants before you start.

Before cleaning the outdoor decking in Singapore, cover the nearby plants with a plastic sheet. It protects them so they would not die when sprayed by chemical cleaners and sealers. 

  • Sand before sealing.

While waiting for the decking of your balcony to dry, lightly sand it. That helps to remove the splintery it had caused by the high-powered hose. Use a pole sander with 80-grit sandpaper to keep it smooth.


  • Go overboard with the high-powered hose.

Otherwise, the decking might get damaged because of too much pressure coming out from the high-powered hose.

  • Use chlorine bleach to clean.

It would only strip the natural colour of the decking and might even damage its cellular structure. Therefore, only use oxygen bleach to prevent those from happening.  

  • Use a wire brush to remove stains.

If you do so, it will cause damage to the surface of the outdoor decking. The same goes if you were to do the same with the vinyl sheet you have indoors in Singapore. 

To clean off the stains, use a soft bristle brush to scrub the stains. Do it gently so it would not get any damage. 

Take note of these so you would know how to take good care of outdoor decking in Singapore. In case you have not bought decking for your balcony in Singapore yet, get them at Moods! Check which decking they have that suit the interior design of your home.


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