13 Aug

Supplier of Marble and Homogeneous Tiles in Singapore

Before starting a residential or commercial tiling project, it is essential to know which kind to use for the parts.

Minimal Shattering

This marble supplier in Singapore advises that the floor is able to resist being shattered. White marble, in particular, is popular for its softness. The effect of being waxy is visible with it.

Fighting Sunlight

Being great in insulating, the presence of sunlight is fought. It remains cool and reduces consumption of air conditioner. With the warm weather in this city throughout the year, it is a challenge to deal with.

Where To Find It

It is common for marble to be found in bathrooms. The walls, floor, vanity top, and shower area are all target areas. Also, the kitchen has it on the floor, splashback, and benchtop. Dining table is also great for it.

On Different Surfaces

According to this marble supplier in Singapore, this stone is natural and durable. In seeing it, the surface looks beautiful. Having maintained its appeal, it remains a popular choice for different surfaces.

Made of Porcelain

There is also a choice to have homogeneous tiles from a supplier. For commercial use, these are regarded as sturdy. Tiles made of porcelain are also its identifying features. Appearing as plain, only one colour exists.

Presence of Heat

Materials of these homogeneous tiles in Singapore come from clay and special tiles. Temperature has to be high such as 1,500 degrees Centigrade. With the process of firing, it resists water.

Renovation and Installation

Projects for renovation and installation find these homogeneous tiles functional. Stepping on them for many years defeats any damage and chipping. This is in comparison to glased tiles.

It is the pleasure of Sin Lek Building Materials to provide an adequate supply of marble and homogeneous tiles.

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