31 Mar

If you ask your roofing contractor what matters the most when it comes to repairing or maintaining your roof, the most common and probable answer that they might give you is the roofing material. Roofs are designed as your first safeguard against many things-- bad weather, rain, the sun, and other things that might threaten your home or space. They must be extremely durable, yet at the same time, they must be able to perform other functions as well.

With the wrong kind of roof material, your roof can actually be a detriment to your home. It’s best to take notice of the kind of materials you use on your roofs!

Why should I pay attention to my roof materials?
In cooler climates, roofs serve many purposes. They can not only shield you from rain, but also fleet, hail, snow, and cold breezes. But those things are virtually nonexistent in a hot climate like Singapore’s. So why does it matter so much?

When it comes to tropical climates, the number one thing you have to shield yourself from is the sun. The sun can be punishing in late afternoons, and can even be dangerous for your health if you’re exposed to too much heat and UV rays. Some roof materials can trap heat and make your home feel like an oven!

No homeowner wants that. So here are a few roof materials that you can ask about from your roofing contractor:

  1. Metal. Metal is versatile, durable, and sustainable. Metal takes a lot longer to heat up and also cools quickly.
  2. Concrete. This thick material is hard to heat through and reflects most of the sun’s rays back.
  3. Terracotta tiles. These tiles have a protective coating and are shaped to prevent heat absorption.

Get the best quality roofing services at Shadetimes! We are a roofing company in Singapore ready to provide you with the best roof and shade options, from aluminium composite panels to slate tiles and more.


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