17 Nov

No matter how durable polycarbonate roofing in Singapore is, you would still need to take good care of it. That way, it can last for a long time. So, how should you clean your polycarbonate roofing to maintain its good condition? Easy! All you have to do is to clean it regularly. 

Here are some dos and don'ts that you need to take note of when cleaning it.


  1. Use a Biodegradable Detergent

You have too, since not only it helps the environment, but it also removes the dirt in your polycarbonate roofing. So, whenever you are using it, be sure to dilute it with warm water. It would help to break down those contaminants hiding in those edges. 

  1. Wipe It with a Microfiber Cloth

Oh before you start cleaning your polycarbonate roofing in Singapore, remember to use a microfiber cloth. With this fabric, you can expect that there are no lint or scratches left on your roof after you have finished cleaning it.


  1. Use Abrasive Cleaning Products

Do you want to protect its coating? Then, you must remember not to use abrasive cleaning products such as highly alkaline chemical cleaners. Not using would help the surface not to get any damages. 

  1. Scrub or Wipe Too Hard

If you do, its protective coating will get damaged. Once that happens, your polycarbonate roofing would not be able to help you direct sunlight.

  1. Spray Too Close

That same goes with this. If you spray your pressure washer too close, then the sheet will get damage. So, make sure to use the lowest possible pressure. 

  1. Clean It When It Rains

This one might sound obvious not to do, but in case you forgot, the rains could attract more dirt. If you clean your polycarbonate roofing in this kind of weather, you are only wasting your time and effort. That same goes to your parasol in Singapore. So, make sure to do your cleaning during not so cloudy days.

See, cleaning your polycarbonate roofing in Singapore is not that hard. However, if you ever need help, Shadetimes is willing to give you a hand. Just give them a call, and they will be there right with you at your doorstep!


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