19 Mar

After graduating from college, my goal was to have my office space for my business. I’ve always dreamed about the interior design I would implement in my working place. Admittedly, I was scrolling through Pinterest for inspiration the whole day! It was because it made me relax when looking at an aesthetically pleasing workplace. Therefore, I became passionate about commercial interior design

Fast forward this year, I have now a small office in my apartment managing my eCommerce business. Even though my working place is tiny, it has greatly improved my mental health because I can detach myself from the outside world while working. 

Luckily, an interior designer helped me achieve my dream corporate interior design in Singapore.  So, allow me to share my experience on how commercial interior design helped my mental health and improve my mood.

Improving Mental Health Through Commercial Interior Design

  1. Utilize Natural Light-- Sunlight

Sunlight during the morning makes me energize and appreciate the new day. The stillness in the morning also helps elevate my mood. So, I told my interior designer to utilize natural light. The first thing she did was to emphasize the window. She told me not to block it and fold the curtains when I needed it. A corporate interior design that utilizes natural light even helps fight depression. 

I noticed that sunlight has helped me believe that a new day is beginning, new chances to pursue my dreams in life. I am fortunate enough that my window is not blocked by taller buildings. Another benefit of natural light is that it boosts my productivity. 

Study shows that people with access to natural light performed better compared to those who did not have any access. In my case, I performed better during the morning because sunlight inspires my mind to create and think. See, I incorporated commercial interior design and elements that improved my mental health. This way, I get to be more inspired to start my day. 

  1. Incorporate Nature 

Since last year, house plants are trending. It is a good reason to join this trend because it has many benefits. Can you believe that bringing plants to your home can elevate your mood? Well, I can attest to that claim. There is a sense of liveliness when you bring plants into your workplace. House plants remind me that I am part of this big world which helps me forget unnecessary problems that caused me stress. 

Another thing is that houseplants are natural air filters, reducing allergens and increasing air quality. Since I’m living in a city, there are chances that the air is more polluted. Hence, putting plants is a great help! 

Also, I added some flowers to my work area. This way, it increases the aesthetic value of my corporate interior design. For me, there is a calming effect when I’m looking at my flowers and thus makes me more relaxed throughout the day. In conclusion, nature can help you detach from your problems. After all, we’re all part of nature, and maybe that’s the reason why I feel more connected with house plants and flowers. 

  1. Using My Favourite Colour

Since both architecture and interior design are essential to the final project, colour also plays a big role in the aesthetic appeal. Well, in my case, I love the colour blue because it reminds me of the ocean and clouds. 

The vast nature reminds me that we’re part of a grander thing in life. So, I told my designer to paint the walls and other furniture with a shade of blue. Plus, blue represents fresh, calm and serenity. If you see my commercial interior design, you’ll feel relaxed, like you’re floating above the clouds. 

  1. Display Art

Although my office space is tiny, I also added some paintings on the wall. Fortunately, one of my friends likes to paint, so I framed one of her works and displayed it on my wall. Surprisingly, it inspires me to be more creative. Whenever I’m thinking about my new project at my eCommerce business, the paintings helped me to be flexible and think outside the box. See, simple things such as displaying arts can make a big difference in your corporate interior design.  

  1. Declutter and Donate

Aside from design, build and construction, decluttering also helped me achieve my dream commercial interior design. By decluttering, it made my workplace more spacious to look at even if it’s small. To declutter, I donated things I don’t need to have more spaces to design and layout. After all, donating makes me more thankful for what I have. 

Transforming Your Office

If you want to create your ideal space, just like what I did, cooperate with ID21 in Singapore to transform your dream commercial interior design into reality! Visit their website to achieve your goals. 

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