07 May

Metal roofs are available in zinc, aluminium, brass, steel, and galvanized steel. Copper is highly durable and malleable.  Aluminium is a thin metal that can be quickly shaped and has excellent anti-corrosion properties when treated with high-grade paints and metal coatings. Steel, despite its strength and ease of fabrication, corrodes easily if left untreated. Galvanising is the common steel treatment for roofs, in which a zinc film is applied to the steel by coating it in molten zinc. The coating is typically used as a shield to prevent the metal from corroding.

Aside from the coating and metal treatment, metal roofs waterproofing in Singapore is also recommended to ensure that your roof is well protected from water leakage. The last thing you’ll probably want to experience is to place water buckets indoor to catch water leaks from your roof. Here’s a helpful guide from your water leakage specialist in Singapore on how to waterproof metal roofs.

Use Elastomeric Paint

Since metal roof expands and compresses in response to increases in outdoor temperature. Metal roofs would exhibit evidence of corrosion after a few years, especially around the edges or nailed parts. It is important that the roof paint you'll use for coating has elastomeric so that it does not crack and collapse. To tolerate acid rainwater, weathering, and pollutants present in the city, elastomeric paint is being used as roof coating. It is also ideal since it also has anti-corrosion properties. When repainting massive metal roofs, abrasive blast washing to eliminate rust and poorly adhering paint is also neither practicable nor cost-effective. Metal roof waterproofing would not require abrasive cleaning should be chosen.

Use Primer Before Painting Metal Roofs

Most conventional metal roof paints will need one or two coats of primer before adding a topcoat; allow enough time between coats for drying. This will cause a project to be delayed, as well as raise costs and waste by using different materials. Elastometal is a one-product solution that does not need a primer. 

Apply Surface Preparation

While abrasive blast cleaning is the best method of cleaning rusted metal, it is not always feasible or economical, particularly on wide metal roofs. Overspraying and waste blast debris disposal are major problems. Elastometal, for example, can be used without the need for abrasive blast washing. 

If the area has been cleaned and dried, apply the roof fleece to both seams and edges. To incorporate the patch, brush a single coat of Elastometal through the open fibre of the fleece. Joints near roof vents should be viewed similarly. The whole area is now able to be sealed and waterproofed.

Seal the Roof

To produce a flawless finish in the shortest amount of time, most waterproofing companies in Singapore opt for airless spray Elastometal waterproofing paint. A brush or roller may also be used, but caution must be taken to obtain the minimum dry film thickness per coat. Rollers made of polyamide or nap rollers are preferred. Additional coats by roller may be needed.

Should you need waterproofing services in Singapore for your home or business? Send us an inquiry today!


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