14 Oct

If you’re going to use an auto gas cutting machine, you should protect yourself at all costs. To do so, you should wear safety gear and avoid anything that may harm you while working.

What other ways are there to keep yourself safe? Here are 6 ways to stay protected while using a cutting machine.


1. Wear proper safety gear

What are some of the things you need to wear when using cutting tools? You should wear safety glasses/goggles and a pair of protective gloves at all times.

2. Choose the right tool

If you’re going to cut something using an automatic welding carriage, you’ll have to use the right type of tool. This will depend on the material’s type, size, and durability.

3. Protect yourself from flying metal pieces

The harder the metal you’re cutting, the farther the metal pieces will fly. Therefore, you must protect yourself by wrapping around the cutting jaws with a cloth or rag to prevent flying metal pieces from injuring you.


1. Never use a tool without proper training

It’s absolutely necessary to avoid using any tool without proper knowledge or training. Unless you are trained to handle any equipment, avoid using any tools.

2. Once a cutter is broken, replace it

If your cutter is showing signs of damage, dispose of it immediately. Instead, buy a new stud welding machine in Singapore as a replacement.

3. Don’t pry or twist the tool

While you’re cutting, don’t pry or twist the tool. Let it do its job and you’ll finish your task in no time.

Always be on the lookout for quality tools if you need to replace your old ones. Never repair your broken tools! Replace them as soon as possible.

If you’re looking for a high-quality plasma cutting machine in Singapore, check out Danox Welding Pte Ltd for reliable tools.

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