22 Jul

Durability, long-lasting strength, and aesthetics are the qualities that make vinyl flooring a top choice in Singapore households. Not to mention, easy maintenance is also a trait that makes this flooring stand out!

But, homeowners are encouraged to give their flooring extra attention when the summer comes. What should you do with yours? Let these tips help you out!

1. Do regular cleaning

With hotter months, your doors and windows are often open. When that happens, more dust and dirt enter your premises. These elements can build up and eventually scratch your floors’ finish, so do regular cleaning and vacuuming!

2. Minimise exposure to sunlight

The colours of your vinyl sheet in Singapore can fade when exposed to sunlight for long hours. Likened to the skin, direct sunlight can damage the surface of your floor. To avoid discolouration, remember to close your blinds or draw your curtains during the day.

3. Consider getting felt tips

Summer means people are often at home. Furniture gets moved around, such as your chairs and tables. The result? Scratches in the finishing, like what happens in a good wood flooring in Singapore. To avoid that, invest in felt tips and attach them under your furniture.

4. Watch humidity levels

Fluctuations of temperature levels can damage the flooring. Cupping and warping are the effects that happen to vinyl flooring in Singapore when humidity is not maintained. What you can do is invest in a house humidifier or keep your air conditioning on for long periods.

5. Avoid tough bristles

Stains on the floors are unavoidable when you live with kids. It can get frustrating when you see the stains, so you opt to buy mops with tough bristles. As much as possible, avoid them. Some mops are not abrasive to avoid damaging the protective layer of your flooring!

Vinyl Flooring from Moods

From vinyl to balcony decking in Singapore, only get them from the flooring experts of Moods! Rest assured that you will be paying for the quality and durability of your new floors.

Give them a call at +65 8186 8060 today!


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